Deface Website Metode Roxy Fileman 1.4.4 - Arbitrary File Upload
# Exploit Title: Roxy Fileman <= 1.4.4 Forbidden File Upload Vulnerability
# Google Dork: intitle:"Roxy file manager"
# Date: 15-06-2016
# Exploit Author: Tyrell Sassen
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link:
# Version: 1.4.4
# Tested on: PHP
1. Description
The Roxy File Manager has a configuration setting named FORBIDDEN_UPLOADS,
which keeps a list of forbidden file extensions that the application will
not allow to be uploaded. This configuration setting is also checked when
renaming an existing file to a new file extension.
It is possible to bypass this check and rename already uploaded files to
any extension, using the move function as this function does not perform
any checks.
2. Proof of Concept
The renamed file will now be accessible at http://host/Upload/backdoor.php
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Yapss Admin mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan dalam penulisan atau penguploadan, jika ada kesalahan mohon dibenarkan dengan berkomentar di bawah postingan yang salah, berikan saran yang sifatnya membimbing agar blog ini bisa bermanfaat bagi para Newbie di Indonesia tentunya, Jika ingin menyumbangkan Tutornya atau Modulnya silahkan kirimkan ke Email yang sudah saya sediakan, Terimakasih Senpai :*
Greetz : ./Maniak_WiFi
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