Deface Website Metode Frog CMS 0.9.5 - Arbitrary File Upload
Exploit Title: Arbitrary File Upload in Frog CMS 0.9.5
Date : 2014-07-07
Exploit Author : Javid Hussain
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# Exploit-DB Note: All authenticated users can upload files. If the file
# does not have execute permissions the CMS allows users to change them.
# No need to be authenticated to trigger uploaded files.
There is a possibility to upload arbitrary file in Frog CMS latest version 0.9.5
Baca Juga.
The vulnerability exist because of the filemanager plugin is not properly
verifying the extension of uploaded files.
Go to http://localhost/frog_095/admin/?/plugin/file_manager/images
Upload an executable php file
Go to http://localhost/Frog/frog_095/public/images/
for verification.
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Yapss Admin mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan dalam penulisan atau penguploadan, jika ada kesalahan mohon dibenarkan dengan berkomentar di bawah postingan yang salah, berikan saran yang sifatnya membimbing agar blog ini bisa bermanfaat bagi para Newbie di Indonesia tentunya, Jika ingin menyumbangkan Tutornya atau Modulnya silahkan kirimkan ke Email yang sudah saya sediakan, Terimakasih Senpai :*
Greetz : ./Maniak_WiFi
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